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Phosphorus Compounds
   Calcium phosphide
   Gallium(III) phosphide
   Ibandronic acid
   Tricalcium phosphate
Alendronate C4H18NNaO10P2
Used for the treatment of osteoporosis and several other bone diseases.
Calcium phosphide Ca3P2
Used in incendiary bombs, fireworks, torpedoes, self-igniting naval pyrotechnic flares, and various water-activated ammunition..
Gallium(III) phosphide GaP
Used for manufacture of low and standard brightness red, orange, and green light-emitting diodes (LED). It is a low-cost material. GaP has been used as an LED material since the 1960s. It has a relatively short life at higher current and its lifetime is sensitive to temperature. It is used standalone or together with gallium arsenide phosphide.
Glyphosate C3H8NO5P
A non-selective herbicide to kill weeds, especially perennials. Many crops have been genetically engineered to be resistant to it. The chemical is only absorbed by the leaves of plants and it is not absorbed by roots from the soil.
Ibandronic acid C9H23NO7P2
Used in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It may also be used to treat hypercalcemia.
Phosphine PH3
: Highly Toxic :
Phosphine is highly toxic; it can easily kill in relatively low concentrations. Because of this, the gas is used for pest control by fumigation. For farm use, it is often sold in the form of aluminium phosphide, calcium phosphide, or zinc phosphide pellets, which yield phosphine on contact with atmospheric water or rodents' stomach acid. These pellets also contain other chemicals which evolve ammonia which helps to reduce the potential for spontaneous ignition or explosion of the phosphine gas. They may also contain other agents, such as methanethiol, to give the gas a detectable garlic smell to help warn against its presence in the atmosphere.
Phosphine is also used as a dopant in the semiconductor industry.
Sarin C4H10FO2P
: Highly Toxic :
An extremely toxic substance whose sole application is as a nerve agent. As a chemical weapon, it is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations according to UN Resolution 687, and its production and stockpiling was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993.
Tricalcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2
: Irritant :
An important raw material for the production of phosphoric acid and fertilizers. Calcium phosphate is also a raising agent (food additives) E341. Is a mineral salt found in rocks and bones, it is used in cheese products.
It is also used as a nutritional supplement. There is some debate about the different bioavailabilities of the different calcium salts. It is commonly used in porcelain and dental powders, and medically as an antacid or calcium supplement, although calcium carbonate is more common in this regard.